Brighton born, I am an avid creative with an enthusiasm for words, my freelance services have stemmed from my ever centric ethos of ‘do what you love’. Post completing my bachelors degree in Creative and Professional Writing, I ensured that I would find ways to work with words - and good people.

Relighting that spark with driven wordplay and original content is where my passions lie.

In my own time, I blog on GERTA (this very site you are on!) and write The Gerta Guide. The Gerta Guide is a haven of musings about all things business, books, blogging & the creative sphere - it is essentially a digital big sister outpouring her unsolicited advice & experiences on a teeny bit of everything.

Feel free to subscribe to the newsletter version of The Gerta Guide over on my Substack.


I have a great love for story telling through my content and copywriting, and strive to work with likeminded people to concoct work that represents both parties values.

Marrying content with storytelling, with a passion for purpose driven subject matter is what I am all about.

Having completed a bachelors degree in Creative and Professional Writing along side solo projects, various internships and assistance work , my writing skillset is wide and strong.

My work spans across content writing, copywriting, social media, ghost writing, blogging, SEO and more.

Click here to read my published writing.

Click here to see how content & copy writing can elevate your brand or business.


Growing up alongside the rise of social media has been an experience to say the least…

However, with that being said - who better to sit at the helm of your social media strategy than someone who TRULY understands the digital worlds ins, outs, ups, downs and everchanging (trust me there’s no end) algorithm.

Pairing my great love of aesthetic and unique content, with my ‘in amongst it’ insight into socials, allows me to strategize and create authentic content that allows smaller brands, businesses and faces shine against the wider landscape.

Click here to see how I can help you.